Stationsplein 5, Zwolle
Zwarte Cross MKB Event

A Peek Behind the Curtain of Zwarte Cross, one of the largest Music events in the Netherlands.

Recently, we, CodeGlass, had the unique privilege of attending the MKB Innovation event at Zwarte Cross. But this was no ordinary visit; Novel-T and Rabobank extended their gracious invitation, making this extraordinary experience possible.

The dedication to organizing such a massive event was awe-inspiring from the moment we arrived. A team of 50 individuals works tirelessly throughout the year, and as the event draws near, countless others join in to ensure the four-day festival runs without a hitch.

But this day was about much more than just a glimpse of the backstage. It was a journey filled with inspiring pitches, networking opportunities with other innovators, and knowledge-sharing sessions. Such days serve as a reminder of the importance of continuous innovation, no matter how challenging the journey may be.

After the initial awe of the sheer scale of the event, we were struck by the meticulous planning and execution that goes into making Zwarte Cross a success. Every detail was handled with utmost precision, from the stage setup to the sound checks, from the security arrangements to the food stalls. This level of dedication and commitment is something we aim to bring to CodeGlass every day.

The MKB Innovation event was a melting pot of ideas and creativity. I had the opportunity to listen to some of the most forward-thinking minds in the industry. The pitches were about new products or services and innovative ways to solve problems and improve processes. This resonated with us deeply, as CodeGlass constantly strives to innovate and provide our clients with cutting-edge solutions.

Networking was another highlight of the day. We met with fellow innovators, industry leaders, and potential collaborators. These interactions were not just enlightening but also opened doors for future partnerships. It’s always exciting to meet people with the same passion for innovation and technology as we do at CodeGlass.

One of the day’s most memorable moments was standing on the large stage of Zwarte Cross. Looking out at the vast expanse, we could almost feel the energy of the thousands of people who would soon fill the grounds. It was a humbling experience and a reminder of the power of innovation to bring people together.

In conclusion, visiting the MKB Innovation event at Zwarte Cross was an enriching experience. It was a day filled with learning, networking, and inspiration. We are grateful for the opportunity and look forward to applying the insights gained to further the mission of CodeGlass.